8000 km über den Atlantik

altantic top
Überflug der Lancair IV-P in die Schweiz.

Libyen-Reise 2006

altantic top
Mit der MCR-01 nach Libyen...und zurück

4. Tunis

April 10th 2006: In Tunis


By taxi we drove in to town. It’s overcast and humid-warm. We are touring trough the souk. In the street coffees is much going on and the roads are full of traffic. Roaring rally cars are driving by.
In the late afternoon we sit at the pool, look at the maps and program the GPS.
The next day we move to an other hotel, the “Africa”. A 5 star hotel with every comfort and a very good cuisine. In the afternoon we are visiting Sidi Beausaid.


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Visite to Sidi Beausaid


We moved to an other hotel, the “Africa”. A 5 star hotel with every comfort and a very good cuisine. In the afternoon we went visiting the Roman ruins of Carthage and the village of Sidi Beausaid.
Sidi Beausaid is a little bit like Saint Tropez in France. Lots of shops, nice and colourful blue houses. We visited a house where we could see how people used to live.


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Visiting the souk


In the morning the weather was very promising for the day. We visited the food-souk. Wonderful all those colours and people everywhere that want to sell or buy something.


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